All Textbook Topics - Forces and Motion - Gravity Introduction - If there was no air, all objects would fall to Earth with the same acceleration, no matter the weight

If there was no air, all objects would fall to Earth with the same acceleration, no matter the weight

During the last Apollo 15 moon walk, Commander David Scott performed a demonstration where he dropped a hammer and a feather from the same height at the same time. Both of these objects fell at exactly the same rate and hit the ground at exactly the same time. This happened because there is no air on the moon, and without air, objects fall at exactly the same rate.

In the picture below, you can see a hammer and a piece of paper being held at the same height. If there was no air, they would hit the ground at the same time. With air, you must account for aerodynamics and forces, and the hammer will hit the ground first.

Often in physics, we make an assumption that there is no air to make scenarios and calculations more simple.

The equation to calculate weight from mass is: Weight = mass x gravitational field strength (symbol equation: W=mg)
Air resistance causes objects which are either heavier or more aerodynamic to fall faster than objects which are lighter and less aerodynamic

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