All Textbook Topics - Magnetism - Magnetism Introduction - An unmagnetised magnetic material will always attract to a magnet if one is brought near to it as the domains in the unmagnetised material line up when the magnet is brought near

An unmagnetised magnetic material will always attract to a magnet if one is brought near to it as the domains in the unmagnetised material line up when the magnet is brought near

When you bring a magnet near to a piece of un-magnetised magnetic material, the magnet will cause the domains in the un-magnetised material to line up.

Once they are lined up, both materials are now magnets, therefore will experience a force.

The un-magnetised material will magnetise in a way that it will always attract to the magnet brought near to it.

Magnetic materials are magnetised by forcing small magnetic regions inside a magnetic material called domains to line up
Magnetic materials can be magnetised by stroking them with another magnet or by putting it inside an electromagnet

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